Carretera Puerto Juarez-Chetumal Km. 295, Quintanaroo 77710, Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
Tel: +52 (984) 8734492
Reservations Department
Telephone No. from Mexico: (984) 873 4492
Telephone No. from Argentina +52 800 345 8114
Telephone No. from Canada and USA: 844 992 8339
Telephone No. from any other country: +52 (984) 873 4492
Fax: + 52 (984) 873 4496
Member Service Department
Email address: customerservice@royalelite.com
Telephone No. from Mexico: (984) 873 4493
Telephone No. from Argentina +54 800 345 8114
Telephone No. from Canada and USA: 844 992 8339
Telephone No. from any other country: +52 (984) 873 4493
Fax: + 52 (984) 873 4496
Financial Department
Email address: finanzas@royalelite.com
Telephone No. from Mexico: (984) 873 4494
Telephone No. from Argentina +54 800 345 8114
Telephone No. from Canada and USA: 1 844 992 8339
Telephone No. from any other country: +52 (984) 873 4494