Clean Stay - Estancia Limpia
The main objective of Royal Elite Vacation Club is the safety and well-being of our members. That is why we are exercising every step to ensure that each guest can still enjoy a vacation that they love while also knowing that they are protected. We are taking all necessary precautions, and following all safety guidelines outlined by medical professionals and health institutions. We suggest you to please wear a mask when in contact with our Royal Elite staff.
El objetivo principal de Royal Elite Vacation Club es la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros socios. Es por eso que estamos midiendo cada paso para asegurarnos de que cada huésped pueda disfrutar de unas vacaciones que le encanten y al mismo tiempo saber que están protegidos. En Sandos, tomamos todas las precauciones necesarias y seguimos todas las pautas de seguridad descritas por profesionales médicos e instituciones de salud. Les sugerimos por favor el uso de cubrebocas al estar en contacto directo con nuestro staff Royal Elite, muchas gracias.
A very important aspect of Royal Elite is flexiblity, as such we are affiliated with the most remarkable exchange company in the market.
Safety Guidelines
Protocolos de Seguridad

Carretera Puerto Juarez-Chetumal Km. 295, Quintanaroo 77710, Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
Tel: +52 (984) 8734492
Reservations Department
Telephone No. from Mexico: (984) 873 4492
Telephone No. from Argentina 0800 122 0429
Telephone No. from Canada and USA: 844 992 8339
Telephone No. from any other country: +52 (984) 873 4492
Fax: + 52 (984) 873 4496
Member Service Department
Email address:
Telephone No. from Mexico: (984) 873 4493
Telephone No. from Argentina 0800 122 0429
Telephone No. from Canada and USA: 844 992 8339
Telephone No. from any other country: +52 (984) 873 4493
Fax: + 52 (984) 873 4496
Financial Department
Email address:
Telephone No. from Mexico: (984) 873 4494
Telephone No. from Canada and USA: 1 844 992 8339
Telephone No. from any other country: +52 (984) 873 4494